
Mistakes and Out-takes

Throughout my time on Youtube, I've been showing everyone my videos and they have enjoyed them for their comedic, serious or informative messages. I'm always striving for perfection, so when people see what I have done, they can say that it was well carried out and executed nicely. I've know more these days that I'm not perfect, and the video making process is not perfect either. I mess up; in videos I mess up, which leads to some interesting and funny content.

While watching all of my videos to find some blooper-worthy material, I notice that the best way I got over a blooper was by growling or making a loud noise. Don't know why that is probably, but it just happened. Also, I noticed that I didn't have that much bloopers than I thought. That's because whenever I make a mistake, I usually delete the footage and only keep the "good" takes, so editing can be easier. I learned now, after making this blooper reel, that it was a big mistake.

Messing up is apart of life, and it should be no different in the "video" game. We mess up on words, we say things wrong, we trip, fall and get messy. That's what makes up who we are. I'm not perfect and the footage that I capture should reflect that. To me, a blooper is more natural than any sort of acting because its a piece of imperfection that we have in all of us. Joshen actually wrote a post about bloopers being a good tool in building an audience, and I think I will start incorporating them on my Youtube channel as things progress.

Also, it was nice looking back on all the videos I've done (or at least had access to) and seeing how I evolved during the past year and a half. It's a good feeling. I've been through so much and I'm grateful to have my friends and family around to support me and give me criticism on my work, as I strive to make better content in the future. Expect to see more bloopers in the future.
Remember, I'm not perfect.

-Video Vix[o]n

1 comment:

Fragm3nt Admin said...

No you are perfect. or as a certain song says. your amazing just the way you are. yeah!