Yesterday, I had another chance to get out the house and create some content with Joshen, and to my surprise, being out and about resulted in gathering much attention. Throughout the day, we've been approached by multiple people, including an influential community leader who invited us to speak to some young people around our age about alternate career paths outside of "basketball and rapping." It made me feel good because I rarely consider what I do to be an alternate career choice; just something that I decided to do with my life. It's like my camera is Mjolnir (the hammer), and I am Thor. My camera basically gives me my power.
I've said that I should carry about my camera to more places to get attention and after yesterday, I realize that if Youtube were real, I would have gotten about 3-4 subs by people just asking what I do. Joshen and I are constantly figuring out ways to expand our audience and sometime we forget that the biggest social network is right outside our doors. It's funny how everyone who approached us asked if we were students working on a project because it seems the only accepted way you can be involved in videography is if you're a film major at a fancy film school (no offense to any film majors in any fancy film school/programs). One idea we had was to shoot our weekly shows in different locations to gather an audience and generate attention, which I will definitely keep in mind in my future video endeavors.
I know not everything I produce is going to be a hit or any idea I have won't be executed well, but I can succeed at getting my face out there and making people notice me more, so when I do make good videos, people will look out for me. Everyone else seems to be going places, I just have to go somewhere close by to make a huge difference.
-Video Vix[o]n
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