
Finding Your "Gratitude"

This video comes from the visual genius which is Joe Nation. He used old footage from things he shot throughout the past year to express the "beautiful things in this life, big and small." I've always admired Joe for his video skills, but he does bring up a good point about being grateful for the things in life. Outside of being able to wake up everyday, I always have to remind myself of what I'm grateful for:

-When it comes to my video work, I'm grateful for the resources I have, what I'm capable of, what I've accomplished, especially with my short film series, #VideoDictionary. There was a time where I wasn't sure of my professional direction and I never felt confident in what I was good at.

-I'm grateful for Youtube being the platform I can use to share my work and show others what I can do. Without it, I wouldn't be able to show off who I am as a content creator, and now a Youtube partner.

-All of my subscribers, especially those who continue to support my videos and show support for my work.

-My family and friends who understand what I do when I am always out and about, shooting a video or producing content.

-My new (part-time) job, which I'm starting to feel comfortable with. Being out of a job for a while made me feel incompetent, but my co-workers have welcomed me well and now I feel capable of accomplishing anything on the job.  

We should all take more time to being grateful for what we have and what we've accomplished in our lives. We tend to focus on what we don't have and makes those things overshadow the good things. I'm being more positive these days and this video was a nice reminder of staying grateful. Are you grateful for what you have?

-Video Vix[o]n

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