Yesterday, for me, felt to be a good day to be a creative in New York City.
I linked up with a creative by the name of Dimz, who I met from a project a while ago. We also met up with an aspiring actress, Tiffany, who was interested in getting into the creative sphere. We first did some monologue reading, just to get her comfortable, then we started taking some pictures in the great weather.
Afterwards, Dimz's friend, Fresh, came through to hang out, he decided that he wanted to shoot an improv short dialogue with Tiffany and me, so I pulled out my "Denzel" and helped her release her inner actress. It was fun getting into a character and seeing her try to become dramatic and believable all at once. For me, acting doesn't have to be an over-the-top, soap opera exercise; being yourself and coming off real makes acting more authentic. It was a good day just to be outside and enjoy what the city had to offer.
Throughout the course of the day, I saw a performer flip over a group of people, met up with another creative who sells vintage clothes, accidentally bumped into another actress and her friend, and finally linked up with Joshen to record and watch an improv sketch show. It was amazing seeing and meeting all these creative people in the city I live in and hear their stories of trying to make it their respective industries. Whether you're trying to become an actress, actor, photographer, videographer, music artist or anybody who creates, the consensus is that the creative market is saturated and everyone is struggling to get by. For some, it's a deterring factor, which leaves some creatives feeling hopeless. For me, interacting with all these people gave me some hope; hope that there are people out there that want to do something dope and amazing and I want to be a part of that.
I'm not giving up on the New York scene just yet. I just have to get out there in the streets and just do it.
-Video Vix[o]n
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