
Frame x Frame: Crooks and Cooks

With most of the free time I have had on my hands after my seasonal stunt at UPS, I found the time to become creative again, with my camera as well as in the kitchen.

My first project for the year was a music video that Joshen spearheaded with an artist named Sin. When Joshen first approached me about the video, it sounded like an opportunity to get my hands busy after a long creative hiatus (despite it being a paying gig, I was more than willing to help). When he told me the name of the song "Daddy was a Crook," at first thought, it didn't sound very positive or meaningful, but when he explained the concept of the video further, it translated differently into something I could understand. I haven't had the opportunity to work on much music videos except my own musical spoofs that I produced on my Youtube channel. Nonetheless, this gig would give me a better idea of how to pull off a music video step by step. What I took from the experience is it takes a lot of people to make a music video successful and dedication to complete the project in a proper time frame. Though the weather was blistering cold at some points and these were some gaps of time when nothing was happening, the video came out visually pleasing. Completing this video has inspired me to want to direct my own music video with an upcoming artist just to get the experience under my belt. Hopefully, I will find a willing participant who will want me to make their musical vision a reality.

While searching for my creativity in video, I've become more free to exploring my creative juices in cooking. With the help of my significant other, I have been creating different dishes that have been coming out pretty good. When I was younger, my step mom always wanted me to be in the kitchen to learn how to cook, but I was always more into eating the food than preparing it. I never had the confidence to cook due to my accident-prone behaviors. These days, I have more patience and confidence in finding a recipe, shopping for ingredients and making the things that I like to eat. This, by no means, makes me a culinary master. I still have a lot to learn and I'm sure all the things I have made thus far hasn't been the best. Cooking is similar to videography in they both take a lot of elements to work, in the sense of color, taste, getting the right look and preparation. Even referencing the process of rendering a video as "cooking" makes that correlation even more prominent. As one who enjoys food, I'll continue to make food dishes and perfect my craft as I do in video-making; the end result is that something comes out delicious.

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