A lot of things have happened this past weekend, but one thing in particular was the most crucial; purchasing my new camera, the Canon EOS Rebel T3i

Having that I-finally-got-that-thing-I-saved-up-for feeling again is refreshing. I have stepped into a new realm of videography and filmmaking by purchasing this camera (as well as started myt bank account from $0). Taking this new venture seriously, I have taken the time to read the manual about the camera and make it my new best friend. It's been a while since I endulged myself into something I cared about. I just want to approach this the right way. Of course, the first step is just getting the camera; they are accessories and other components I have to invest in to completely optimize my video repetoire.
New chapters don't always mean that there is going to be a refresh. Having a new camera doesn't necessarily mean I will be making better videos. It may mean that I come off more professional in some people eyes. This is something I have to keep in mind as I move forward. Until I start using it, check out some test footage for the camera.
Sexcellent, I know. Once again, this video has been fast-forwarded.
-Video Vix[o]n
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