As I continue on my video journey, I realize that a lot of people have been supporting me to the fullest; one person being my cousin, Hank. We've become close during the past couple of years; hanging out, partying, chilling, and just being family. As my older cousin, back in the day, he would regulate me, make fun of me and ridicule me, but now that we are older, I know that it was all out of love and we have a new found respect for each other. Being his only subscription on Youtube, he has watched my videos and given me constructive feedback on each one, so I decided it was time to introduce him to the world of video making. End result; a well-made piece of comedy.
I really appreciate his help. It's hard getting people, especially family, to help me with videos, especially knowing everyone is busy, much less has time to watch my content. I don't beg my cousins to watch my stuff; sometimes, I'd have to physically make them see it in order for them to watch, but Hank is a true supporter (and a funy dude, which made the video better).
On the flip side, I recently watched a video from one of my favorite Youtubers about what happened with Chris Brown at Good Morning America. The story is Chris Brown was a featured artist on the show, and one of the show's hosts asked him in an interview about Rihanna. That clearly didn't translate well with "Breezy," causing him to wreck the GMA set, breaking stuff and causing a lot of damage. All over Twitter, people were talking about it, so I finally decided to put in my $0.02.
To put this into a sentence: He's wrong, he'll forever be wrong, but he's human; let him live. I feel people are socially sacrificing Chris Brown now because it's easy to take shots at him, but in the end, he's trying to be a better person, obviously, he relapsed a little. He should have handled it differently, but he didn't. But, for those without sin, do cast the first stone. Don't worry, I'll wait...
-Video Vix[o]n
The Next Chapter Begins...
A lot of things have happened this past weekend, but one thing in particular was the most crucial; purchasing my new camera, the Canon EOS Rebel T3i

Having that I-finally-got-that-thing-I-saved-up-for feeling again is refreshing. I have stepped into a new realm of videography and filmmaking by purchasing this camera (as well as started myt bank account from $0). Taking this new venture seriously, I have taken the time to read the manual about the camera and make it my new best friend. It's been a while since I endulged myself into something I cared about. I just want to approach this the right way. Of course, the first step is just getting the camera; they are accessories and other components I have to invest in to completely optimize my video repetoire.
New chapters don't always mean that there is going to be a refresh. Having a new camera doesn't necessarily mean I will be making better videos. It may mean that I come off more professional in some people eyes. This is something I have to keep in mind as I move forward. Until I start using it, check out some test footage for the camera.
Sexcellent, I know. Once again, this video has been fast-forwarded.
-Video Vix[o]n
No Rest for the Nameless
For those who don't make videos on Youtube, you may not know this, but it is a really challenging job. And I call it a job because, despite not being paid for it, it takes a lot of time and energy to release an original piece of work per week, especially with a lack of resources. I will tell you right now, it is tiring. This video is a slight exaggeration of how I feel when it comes to making a video for the week. Being consistent is no easy task, especially for me, who has always had issues with consistency (this blog being an example).
I recently started my new job for a company named Mission Critical Services. Working from home, my day consist of waking up at 8:30am and talking on the phone and looking at my computer until 5pm. Then, when I'm done with work, I start to "work," which consist of writing scripts for upcoming videos, actually shooting videos, editing, photoshopping, promoting, updating, blasting, all on top of staying on top of the multiple other projects that I will like to get accomplished. On my wall, I listed all of the things that I would like to accomplish or in other words, the dreaded "To-Do" List (it's actually formed like a pyramid, with priorities not necessarily placed in order of importance). Outside of never getting half of these things done, my day starts from 8:30am to "whenever-I-feel-sleepy-a.m." and the whole process starts again. Don't get me wrong, having a job is wonderful and I'm saving up money for my new camera, but the chunk of the day that I spend on my computer calling people could be used to progress my "video empire." To me, that has always been the catch 22 of employment; I need a job in order to have money, but that job takes away from the time I need to do what I want and I need money to do half of the things I want to do.
As I write this entry, I'm suffering from lack of sleep because of being up on BlogTV all night promoting the same video you see above, which is not even my best work. My creative juices are drying up. The ideas are coming to me, it's just implementing them which is becoming the problem. I don't know whether it's my lack of ambition or doing everything by myself which is taking a toll on me, but it's not resulting in the best videos that I know I can make. I have to find a way to balance work, "work," and play. Then again, that would make me like everyone else trying to find a balance in their lives. Ironically, the time I need rest is when I start getting the most motivation to become better.
-Video Vix[o]n
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