
Video Music Monday - "Thriller"

I think it is only fitting that on Halloween, this video is the only one worth reviewing.

In 1982, Michael Jackson (R.I.P.) produced one of the most epic music video/mini-films of all time. Though I wasn't born anywhere close to the time this video premiered, this first time, I saw it, I definitely didn't expect M.J. to do anything like it. After watching "Bad" and "Billy Jean" (my favorite M.J. track, by the way), "Thriller" was a complete change of concept and idea. I don't think anyone at the time though M.J. would come up with something like this from his head. It was edgy, scary and genius all at once. The dance sequence at 8:29 is probably one of the best ever in music video history. I remember trying to do the same shuffle in the mirror when I was younger, but I could never pull off the whole routine, for some reason (I wonder why). This video has affected pop culture so much that even Party City has made a homage for their Halloween commercials.

There's no doubt that Michael Jackson, "Thriller" and zombies will forever live in infamy. Happy Halloween to everyone and I hope all of you big kids out there got to dress up this weekend and have fun.

*This Halloween, I'll be "dressed" as a UPS seasonal driver helper because that's my job. Not exactly creative, but real.

-Video Vix[o]n


Gorilla V-I-X-O-N

*This post has nothing to do with the Biggie-esque type rapper, but when I think Gorilla, he was my first thought.

I was recently watching my Youtube subs and watch one of my new subscriptions, David Bolen. An aspiring filmmaker from California, he has a channel where he makes daily videos about his film experiences, going to school and making a name for himself. In his video, he does a review of a book called "Guerilla Filmmaking."

He makes some valid points; reading is fundamental to becoming a filmmaker and the two routes to becoming a recognized filmmaker have their upsides and downsides. If I had to choose which style of filmmaker I am, between independent or commercial, independent would fit the bill. Though I see Bolen as a little of both (after seeing some of his work), I can tell he has an independent way of approaching his passion. I, on the other hand, am a bit more guerilla in style.

Like James Cameron, I never went to film school and have a lack of film experience. But unlike James, I didnt read a few books over the span of years and gain the knowledge and resources to make world renowned movies. I'd like to say that I'm still at square one when it comes to filmmaking; almost to say I haven't produced a real good film that i can be proud of. Dont get me wrong, I have made/been a part of some productions that have been shared, by a small audience (my college friends). I've never experience the casting process, actual producing, having a defined role and sticking to it, etc. I, one day, wish to produce a successful feature/short series and be proud(er) of what I've done.

The opportunity has presented itself to me recently by being invited to b a director for a short pilot of a story adapted to film by a writer I knew from the blog-sphere a while ago. This would be my first time directing anything this organized, so im a little nervous. The usual doubts come to mind; what if im not strong enough? What if I'm not good at directing? Will my colleagues take me seriously? All of these doubts may still linger one the project begins, but I know I wont be alone and there no better way to gain experience than to experience. As one of my favorite T-shirts states, it's time to become "fiercely independent."


No Money, Mo' Problems

The title to this song seems to contradict itself because more money would mean less problems for me, especially these days.

I recently spent a lot on my father's recent credit card bill. As with all of my outlandish spending sprees, he addressed me about it. Usually, the convo would go like this:


Vixon is on the computer, when his father walks in with an envelope and some papers in hand.

Vixon, have you see the bill? (X amount).

(takes bill from Dad, looks at total)

I keep telling you (not to use your phone during the day/
use the credit card only for emergencies)

Okay, (I'll use my computer to make calls more/ I won't use the credit card as much)
(hands bill back to Dad)

At this point, my Dad would walk out the room and we both knew what would happen next; he would plan to pay off the bill and I would briefly think about not overusing again. This time around, my father started off with "Vixon, you're going to put me in an early grave." I've never heard my father say that before. I always cringe at the thought of my father's untimely (but inevitable) demise, but him mentioning that because of finances is another story. Granted, he wasn't being serious, but he did catch my full attention with that statement. He showed me the credit card bill and (though I won't share the amount) it's a good deal of money that someone without a job shouldn't be spending.

I felt bad (obviously not bad when my hand got use to pulling out the card and watching the swiping spree commence) because I was negligent and careless in my spending habits. If I was using my debit card (aka my own money), I would be mentally tracking how much money I have and how much each expense is worth so that I don't overspend. I will admit, after the conversation, I thought that everything would be as it were and the bill will be "handled," but after sharing with my friends what I've done, they strongly suggested I pay my father back what I spent. Usually, that thought would sound ridiculous, but they had a point. For a long time (aka all my life), I have allowed myself to be covered for things I would do and not take responsibility, especially financial trouble. I always had my father there to bail me out. This time, I need to show my father and myself that I must start paying what I owe in life.

I plan to pay back my father the full amount with my first few paychecks. Knowing my father, he may decline the offer and we'd have to have a talk about this, but I'm not going to give up until he takes the money. It's all about establishing some principles and becoming more of an adult. Giving away that money won't feel great, but I created the situation and I must pay my way out of it. Nothing says I'm ready to grow up than to start paying up.

-Video Vix[o]n


The Avengers are Coming!!!

Oh my goodness! I literally watched this trailer* like 30 times now. It's official; The Avengers are coming, especially the last few seconds at the end makes this all worth while. Can't wait for May 4th, 2012. Another reason to stay alive.

(In case this video gets taken down from YT, you can catch it here.)

-Video Vix[o]n


Blog Cafe 3.0 - Bloggers Live On

Yesterday, I was reminded why blogging became apart of my life. While meeting new people, it was a surprising, yet good feeling to hear that my name actually rung a bell to someone. The blog circle that I'm apart consist of great people and this event only made it bigger. I have to start having more faith that this blog means something and continue to show my audience why I am Video Vix. To all the new bloggers that I met last night, I look forward to reading your content. Who knows, probably you all will motivate me to read blogs more.

*Shout out to Wix Lounge for the amazing space. When I get my new laptop or have a fancy meeting, I will make sure to come right to you guys.

-Video Vix[o]n